Custom Glass Storm Doors

Utah’s Storm Door Specialists!

Sawyer Glass offers more storm door options that you can imagine, and we can make certain your door is installed properly and serves you well for years to come.

Your Quick Storm Door Guide

Classic Storm Doors

Classic storm doors are designed with a half window over a flat panel. It is mostly installed over the main entry door of a house, which are under most instances are left hinged. Although the classic storm door can be installed on either side of the door, designers recommend that they be installed with hinges on the same side as the entry door.

Storm doors serve the purpose of protecting entry doors from weathering and damage caused by environmental and other external factors. These entry doors have to be installed while leaving a small space for the storm door. These storm doors also help improve the homes insulation from excess heat, coldness and even burglars. The good thing with classic storm doors is that, they have an inbuilt mechanism that allows them to close automatically. Nonetheless, some models have a mechanism meant to keep them open most of the times. It is however not advisable to leave storm doors open as they can be damaged by strong winds.

Installation Guidelines

Storm doors are mainly designed to be installed parallel to entry doors. There are doors that swing to the left, while others swing to the right. It is therefore your responsibility to make sure you buy the best-fit storm door for your house. Nothing is better than having a compatible storm door for your house.

Storm Door Designs

Storm doors come in two basic designs: a full pane solid door and a halved with a glass pane on the top. In addition to this, there are two glass pane options for these doors. Some manufacturers choose to use double paned doors for improved insulation in the house. Weather stripping is also used to help seal all around the door. The lower part of these doors can be made of pure solid aluminum, or a foam insulation. These helps lower maintenance needs on the door, as well as reduce chances of corrosion and wear and tear. Wood grain can also be used to enhance the door’s aesthetic appeal.

Before we let you purchase any type of storm door, we make sure to help you consider all the variables. For example, have the entry door in mind and know how it swings open. Choosing a storm door that opens to one side alone, and opposite to the entry door will make the doors unpractical. In addition to this, you need to make sure there is enough room for the storm doorís installation.

Maintenance For Your Storm Door

Storm doors have to be used every day, and this makes them prone to frequent wear and tear among many other factors. To keep the doors working perfectly, always make sure the hinges are oiled frequently. Some of these doors expand and contract due to temperature changes. It is therefore mandatory to make sure the door opens and closes as required in either condition.

You also need to make sure there is no trash or other debris in the doors way. Anything that could be blocking the door should be done away with. If the door is too close to the floor, you may be forced to vacuum or wash its pathway to remove any particles that may be corroding it as it opens.

Storm Door Repair

Storm doors take on lots of external forces, and are prone malfunctioning at one point. The closer plunger and hinges are the most affected by this. If the plunger is bent, then give us a call and we can straighten it. If the hinges or closers have a crack or are broken completely, then an immediate replacement will be needed, and we can take care of you there too. Some manufacturers may have guides on how to deal with such problems as well, but whether you bought your door from us or someone else, we can make sure you have a door in to operating condition. If the door frequently suffers banging from strong winds, then make a point of adjusting its closing speed. Turning the adjustment screw can help reduce its closing speed.

Should the door have screen panels and glass, snug installations will then be needed when replacing the screens. Any clips that may have been damaged should be replaced, as they should clip tight at all times. If the screen or glass is cracked or broken, you will then be forced to replace it, or else the door will not serve its purpose.


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